During the rainy season, the village of Gboto Assigame suffers from heavy flooding which leads to the destruction of houses, collective infrastructures and personal belongings essential to the population. These floods also seriously affect the village’s activities, resulting in unsanitary living conditions that are conducive to the transmission of diseases.
After being solicited by the Association of Aid and Development (AEG-TOGO), we have designed a customized project that revolves around two components:
Access to drinking water;
Setting up of sanitation structures
In order to respond to the problems encountered in the commune, two of our volunteer engineers have identified the needs. The solutions retained for this project are:
The construction of a water tower with a network of standpipes in order to provide sufficient drinking water for the entire commune;
The construction of a network of gutters to evacuate rainwater, accompanied by a storage system for runoff water for agricultural reuse. These installations will also benefit the commune’s main economic activity: agriculture.
The topography work was carried out by the TC4 company to map the location of houses and public roads and to identify the location of gutters.